Me and my English
My first encounter with English was when I enteredkindergarten 25 years ago, there was a half-American boy in the kindergarten, and when his mother was dropping him off and picking him up, he was always laughing and talking in a language I didn't understand. From then on, I started to care
about English. Every Sunday I had movie time with my dad, so we would watch the movie with subtitles. I couldn't even read the words at the time, and of course the movie was in English, so I didn't understand what the story was about, so I
just watched it.
I was probably 3 years old at the time? I can speak Russian and was already interested in the language. One day, I found myself standing in front of the mirror, trying to mimic the mouth movements of actors I had seen in English movies while mixing Russian words with them. It was so much fun that I asked my parents, `I wonder if I could speak like those actors,'' and at the age of 4, I started learning English seriously.
Of course, I had a lot of trouble, because the teacher's teaching style didn't suit me, or because our connection was bad.
When I was 7 years old, I met an English teacher and her words changed everything. She said `It's not about the score on the exam or whether you passed the test. Important is,
can use what you have learned and studied daily!
If it's hard and you're not having fun, then you can quit, but if you're having joy, why not turn the pain into fun?”
From that day on, for 12 years, I learned the fun, depth, usefulness and difficulty of English from that teacher. I took and passed various exams, and when I took the university entrance exam, I got 85 points in Georgian and 97 points in English, out of a perfect score of 100.
But I wasn't that happy because when I spoke, I was at a loss for words and was nervous. I just wanted to be able to speak English happily. When the day came that I could speak English without any problems, I went abroad by myself for the first
time, to Italy, America, and Indonesia. I was able to have conversations in English, have fun, and make friends with people I didn't know. I don't think there is anything that makes me feel more amazing than the emotion and gratitude I received at that time! At that time, only one thing came to mind: I'm glad I practiced all my conversations, and I'm glad I met that teacher. Thanks to her, I'm here now. English and my story are really mixed up and down, but I think I would have enjoyed it even more if I had found a place like this class where I could enjoy conversation in English when I was studying, and I think I would have been able to do it sooner. This is getting long so I'll end it here.
What I just want to tell you is that you should believe in yourself, throw away your embarrassment, get back up again and again even if you make mistakes, and believe in the future that awaits you as a cool person who can just speak English without worrying about being laughed at!
thank you! I'm looking forward to meeting you.
About Nati
私はジョージアという名前のヨーロッパの⼩さな国で⽣まれました。 ジョージアについて聞いたことがありますか︖ 世界⼀古いワインを作る技術や、素晴らしい⽂化と⾃然を持つ国だよ。 私はトビリシというジョージアの⾸都で⽣まれました。
⼦供の頃、私は今と⽐べてとてもシャイでした。だけれど、いろんな⾔語と出会ってから⼈との会話やコミュニケション⾊んな⾔語で喋って会話の⾯⽩さわかったよ、それのおかげでシャイな⾃分が⾃信を持てる⾃分に変わった。初めて⽇本に来た時も全く⽇本語話せなくって、『なんだよこれ︕何も⾯⽩くないじゃん』と思ってから、やく4 ヵ⽉で⽇本語話せるようになったよ、でもこれは私が覚える能⼒あるとか私が才能があるとかじゃなくって。素直に私もみんなと同じく会話が楽しみたかった。私も出来たから⾔語で楽しむこと
I was born little country of Europe named Georgia. have you ever heard about Georgia? country with rich culture and nature. Georgia is known as a world's oldest country who have ability to make a wine. I was born capital city of Georgia named Tbilisi. When I was child, I used to be very shy compared to now. However, after encountering many different languages, I realized how interesting it is to have conversations and communicate with people in different languages. When I first came to Japan, I couldn't speak Japanese at all and I was like, 'What is this? It's not interesting at all!' After just four months, I was able to speak Japanese, but this doesn't mean that I can memorize or that I'm talented. Honestly, I wanted to enjoy the conversation just like everyone else. If I can do it, anyone can too!





ジョージアはキリスト教の国なので、この教会はジョージアの⾸都のトビリシの真ん中にあります、世界で10 ヵ所⼤きなクリスト教の教会のある⼀つです。